Go Green with Sprouts Salad

Welcome to  “Healthy Corner“. Today I’m going to tell you simple yet healthy recipe of Moong(Green gram) Sprouts Salad. Sprouting can increase your ability absorb nutrients in the beans. There are many benefits of eating sprouts, it’s time to add sprouts to your daily diet.  Moong bean sprouts are low in calories, have fiber ,boost of  vitamin B , C & E.


  • 1 cup Green gram/Moong dal ,    washed , soaked for 8-9hrs,
  • 1 cup cucumber peeled and cut into small cubes
  • 1/4 cup raw mango/kachha aam  cut into small pieces
  • 1/2 cup finely cut green capsicum
  • 1 bunch of  chopped coriander leaves
  • 1/2 cup chopped  onions
  • 1/2 cup chopped tomatoes
  • 1/2 cup lettuce cut into long pieces
  • 1 Tbspoon lemon juice
  • 1/2 teaspoon chat masala
  • Salt as required


  • 1/2 teaspoon cumin powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon coriander powder
  • 1-2 Green chilies
  • Black pepper as required

For sprouting

  • Beans takes around 1-2 days for proper sprouting so you you need to soak beans  a day before cooking. Take Mung beans wash thoroughly with water for 3-4 times. Always wash beans/lentils before cooking. Take rinsed beans into large bowl & add enough water to soak beans fully. Cover the lid & let it soak  for 8-12hrs.
  • You will see beans swell in size, now discard all the remaining water from bowl. To make sure water completely drained off keep all beans in strainer for 15 to 20 mins or dry it with kitchen towel.
  • you can transfer beans to bowl ,cover it tightly & keep this bowl in dark place.


  • Take big cotton/muslin wet cloth place all bean in the center and tighten this cloth. Keep this in dark place for 8-12 hrs. Once beans sprouted well you can keep them in the fridge for 2-3 days.


  1. This  sprouted beans you can eat raw or cooked also. Here I lightly cooked it in pressure cooker for 1-2 whistles. Don’t overcook as in salad we prefer separated beans rather than mushy beans.
  2. Take large bowl, add cooked sprouted mung beans, cucumber, capsicum, chopped raw mango,   lettuce,onions & tomatoes . Tossed it very well.  Add salt , chat masala & lemon juice.  If raw mango is very sour in taste adjust lemon juice. Mix it nicely.
  3. Garnish with coriander leaves.
  4. This salad tastes yummy with this ingredients but if you want you can add green chilies , spices of your choice.Coriander powder, cumin powder & black pepper also can be added.

Simple and nutritious Salad is ready. Best option for light meal & lunch box. If you add little shev/bhujiya even kids would love it as a snack. So try this recipe & let me know your feedback

You can find more healthy salad recipes here-

Rainbow Salad

Power Packed Purple Salad

Stay tuned for more healthy recipes.
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