Super easy DIY Candle holders

Hi Friends!

Welcome to  “Antara’s Creativity” section.  Diwali is around the corner &  you all must be busy in preparations.  Lightings, decorative Diyas, colorful rangolis, gifts, snacks & sweets all these make Diwali so special & cheerful.  Festival of lights that brings happiness, prosperity & family together.

To welcome goddess Lakshmi,  every home is cleaned  up & decorated beautifully with flower garlands, clay diyas, lighting lamps  & candles. Market is full of all types of decorative items but Why to buy if you can make it at home.  Yes you can easily make it at home that too with the easily available material.

So friends, before throwing anything into trash just think how you can reuse it?  If you can’t reuse, throw it immediately. Even my maid is following this mantra so she is asking every time before throwing anything into the dustbin.🤣🤣

So friends, what  better  way  to celebrate Diwali with homemade decorations.  So  in flow with Diwali enthusiasm, today we are telling you some very simple methods  to make  Candle holders. I had many empty pickle plastic jar & Nutella glass jar so we used them.

1-Let the colours of crystals dance with light. 

For this you just need old CDs, waste pearls/ colored pebbles/colored plastic crystal & glue. Here we used plastic crystals.  Stick crystals on CD & for support you can use any old cups & glasses.


2-sparkling light

For this you need small plastic/thick glass jar, colorful glitter/sparkles.If you don’t have both just take coloured paper, finely cut into very small pieces. With the help of old brush, apply glue on outer side of the jar and spread glitters on paper evenly. Roll the jar slowly  so that all glitters will stick it to it.

3- Earthen candle holder

Here Antara colored plastic jar fully. She tried to give look of clay mataka (earthen pot). Decorated with quilling paper & few decorative items .

4-Best from waste

Here Antara used old necklaces, fancy rubber bands  & one old hair band. You can use  broad lace &  bracelets too.

5- Candles in bangles 

Super easy method.  Why not use shining bangles to spread light of joy. Just take few bangles & stick it to each other. Keep candle/diya in the center.

Special Tips-

  1. I prefer LED candles most of the time, as these are safe and there is no need of proper attention.
  2. If you are using normal  candles, always use thick glass with broad opening.

Thanks for visiting & your kind support. More DIYs for Diwali decorations are lined up so keep visiting. My next post is for Diwali lanterns coming soon.

©2017 Bhavana Colourfulcanvas,  All Rights Reserved.


  1. Your post couldn’t come at a better time Bhavana. I have tons of CD which nobody uses now, thanks to technology progressing at such rapid pace. You’ve handed me a perfect solution for using them. All the decorations are so simple and elegant! Thanks a ton 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Radhika for appreciating this simple work😊. I’m so glad you found this helpful. Yes, even I had same problem with old CDs. We have kept very few for art & crafts. You can make many creative things from cds. I’ll try to post about this. Music & movies CDs we donated.😑


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