A Hope That Shimmers

I was there alone encircled with shades of blue

Watching every waves playing game of touch & run  with my toes

Bare-feet smeared with wet sand, giving me tickles

Random pattern of footprints dancing here n there

Fingers are busy with coloured sea shells

Gentle breeze blowing  through my hair asking me to relax

Deep sound of waves silenced my noisy thoughts

The fire ball cast a spell & sprinkled glitters everywhere,

Orange shimmer touched sea, sky, sand & my hair

Spotted, a black tiny dot in endless ocean

Saw  two soul with their double struggle,

drifting that tiny boat in rippling waves &

catching  fish is only their bread & butter

Tired hands are waiting for a big catch

As orange turns  calm & darker, efforts turned hyper & faster

Carrying weight of dreams, he threw the net wide

When darkness crawled all over, many hopes came back to shore

Dark ocean  shimmering with silver stars

New golden rays will overcome stress & fear

Aqua angel again will dance in every bright colour

Many hopes & dreams will come back to her.


Daily prompt: Overcome

Weekly photo challenge: Waiting

©2017 Bhavana Colourfulcanvas,  All Rights Reserved.


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